martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

18.- RAIN AND TEARS. Aphrodite´s Child.1967

En el vídeo está la canción completa subtitulada en inglés y castellano. Con los enlaces inferiores podemos  repetir cada trozo las veces que creamos convenientes, basta con pulsar el botón derecho y elegir bucle.In the video above is the complete song subtitled in English and Spanish. With the lower links we can repeat each piece as many times as we think convenient, just press the right button and choose loop.

Rain and tears are the same
But in the sun you've got to play the game
When you cry
In winter time
You can pretend
It's nothing but the rain
How many times I've seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears, are the same
But in the sun
You've got to play the game

Give me an answer,love
I need an answer, love 
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart
You feel the rainbow waves
Rain and tears
Both I shun
For in my heart there 'll never be a sun
Rain and tears, are the same
But in the sun
You've got to play the game

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